2012/5/25 8:47:01 新闻来源:中国水力发电工程学会
您提交的摘要将由fPET程序委员会盲审,审阅接收,您将受邀在fPET-2012上进行30分钟的发言(30分钟包括问答环节)。所有审阅接收的摘要将发表在fPET的官方网站,同时我们将在会场为您提供纸质版的摘要汇编。此外, fPET-2012中的优秀稿件还将由我们将向相关杂志推荐,以求发表。
说明:您可以将论文摘要电子版在截止日期前在线提交,提交网址为 https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/fpet/,审核接受后,我们将于2012年8月1日前给你发送电子版的接受通知。
Byron Newberry (贝勒大学)
Diane Michelfelder (麦克里斯特学院)
Carl Mitcham (科罗拉多矿业大学)
Mike Murphy (都柏林理工大学)
王楠 (中国科学院研究生院)
Richard Evans (康奈尔大学)
Josephy Pitt (弗吉尼亚理工学院)
Kenneth R. Foster (宾夕法尼亚大学a)
Ibo van de Poel (代尔夫特理工大学)
David E. Goldberg (ThreeJoy Associates, Inc.)
Jon A. Schmidt (Burns & McDonnell工程设计公司)
Domenico Grasso (佛蒙特大学)
Cherrice Traver (联合学院)
Rachelle Hollander (美国国家工程院)
Brock Barry (西点军校军事科学院) Russell Korte (伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)
Sarah Bell (伦敦大学学院 ) Kroes (代尔夫特理工大学)
Larry Bucciarelli (麻省理工学院) Bill Lawson (德克萨斯理工大学)
陈凡(中国东北大学) Michael Loui (伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)
Philip Chmielewski (洛约拉马利蒙特大学 ) Hans Poser (代尔夫特理工大学)
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (奥胡斯大学) Viola Schiaffonati (米兰理工大学)
Michael Davis (伊利诺伊理工大学) Jon Schmidt (Burns & McDonnell工程设计公司)
Gary Downey (弗吉尼亚理工大学) John Sullins (索诺玛州立大学)
Dennis Gedge (咨询工程师) Herman Tavani (里维学院)
Steve Goldman (里海大学) Pieter Vermass (代尔夫特理工大学)
Joe Herkert (亚利桑那州立大学) 王前 (大连理工大学)
Deborah Johnson (弗吉尼亚大学) 赵建军(中央党校)
会议网址: http://www.fpet2012.org
摘要提交网址: https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/fpet/
国际工程研究网 (www.inesweb.org)
Beijing China
Nov 2-4, 2012(Friday-Sunday)
2012 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology
Background: The Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology (fPET) is an outgrowth of
the previous Workshops on
Philosophy and Engineering (WPE). The inaugural fPET, fPET-2010 was an intensive day and a half meeting in May 2010 at the
Colorado School of Mines. The mission of the Forum is (1) to encourage reflection on
engineering, engineers, and technology by
philosophers and engineers alike and (2) to build bridges between existing organizations
of philosophers and of engineers.
fPET-2012 will be held as a three-day meeting on November 2-4, 2012 (Friday-Sunday) and hosted by the Graduate University of
Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUCAS) in Beijing.
Abstracts (500-750 words) are invited for submission in one of four tracks:
Track One: Philosophy of engineering and technology Track Three: Reflections of practitioners
Track Two: Engineering ethics Track Four: Engineering studies/interdisciplinary topics on engineering
All submissions will be blind-reviewed by the program committee. Those accepted for presentation at fPET-2012 will be scheduled
for 30-minute talks (inclusive of Q&A). All abstracts accepted for fPET-2012 will be published online at the Forum website and in a
printed volume available at the meeting. We will seek publication of selected papers from fPET-2012 in appropriate related
Instructions: Abstracts may be submitted electronically at https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/fpet/.
Notification of acceptances will
be sent by 1 August 2012.
Forum Co-Chairs:
Bocong Li (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Byron Newberry (Baylor University)
Executive Committee
Diane Michelfelder (Macalester College)
Carl Mitcham (Colorado School of Mines)
Steering committee:
Richard Evans (Cornell)
Kenneth R. Foster (University of Pennsylvania)
David E. Goldberg (ThreeJoy Associates, Inc.)
Domenico Grasso (University of Vermont)
Rachelle Hollander (U.S. National Academy of Engineering)
Program committee:
Brock Barry (The United States Military Academy at West Point)
Sarah Bell (University College London)
Larry Bucciarelli (MIT)
Fan Chen (Northeastern University, China)
Philip Chmielewski (Loyola Marymount University)
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (Aar hus University)
Michael Davis (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Gary Downey (Virginia Tech)
Yong Fan (Kunming University of Science and Technology)
Dennis Gedge (Consulting Engineer)
Steve Goldman (Lehigh University)
Joe Herkert (Arizona State University)
Deborah Johnson (University of Virginia)
Billy V. Koen (University of Texas at Austin)
Mike Murphy (Dublin Institute of Technology)
Nan Wang (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Josephy Pitt (Virginia Tech)
Ibo van de Poel (Delft University of Technology)
Jon A. Schmidt (Burns & McDonnell)
Cherrice Traver (Union College)
Ruiyu Yin (Central Iron & Steel Research Institute)
Russell Korte (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Peter Kroes (TU Delft)
Bill Lawson (Texas Tech University)
Dongsong Li (Beijing University of Technology)
Michael Loui (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Hans Poser (TU Berlin)
Viola Schiaffonati (Politecnico di Milano)
Jon Schmidt (Burns & McDonnell)
John Sullins (Sonoma State University)
Herman Tavani (Rivier College)
Pieter Vermass (TU Delft)
Qian Wang (Dalian University of Technology)
Baohua Xia (Southeast University)
Jianjun Zhao (Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C)
Local Arrangement:
Xinhe Hu (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dazhou Wang (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Abstracts (500-750 words) due Saturday, June 30, 2012
Conference Website: www.fpet2012.org
Abstract Submissions: https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/fpet/
Call for Papers – Extended Deadline 30 June 2012 (Saturday)
In Cooperation with:
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division of the American Society for Engineering Education
International Network for Engineering Studies (www.inesweb.org)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing University of Technology (www.bjut.edu.cn)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dalian University of Technology (www.dlut.edu.cn)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kunming University of Science and Technology (www.kmust.edu.
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Southeast University (www.seu.edu.cn)
China Society for Hydropower Engineering (www.hydropower.org.cn )
您提交的摘要将由fPET程序委员会盲审,审阅接收,您将受邀在fPET-2012上进行30分钟的发言(30分钟包括问答环节)。所有审阅接收的摘要将发表在fPET的官方网站,同时我们将在会场为您提供纸质版的摘要汇编。此外, fPET-2012中的优秀稿件还将由我们将向相关杂志推荐,以求发表。
说明:您可以将论文摘要电子版在截止日期前在线提交,提交网址为 https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/fpet/,审核接受后,我们将于2012年8月1日前给你发送电子版的接受通知。
Byron Newberry (贝勒大学)
Diane Michelfelder (麦克里斯特学院)
Carl Mitcham (科罗拉多矿业大学)
Mike Murphy (都柏林理工大学)
王楠 (中国科学院研究生院)
Richard Evans (康奈尔大学)
Josephy Pitt (弗吉尼亚理工学院)
Kenneth R. Foster (宾夕法尼亚大学a)
Ibo van de Poel (代尔夫特理工大学)
David E. Goldberg (ThreeJoy Associates, Inc.)
Jon A. Schmidt (Burns & McDonnell工程设计公司)
Domenico Grasso (佛蒙特大学)
Cherrice Traver (联合学院)
Rachelle Hollander (美国国家工程院)
Brock Barry (西点军校军事科学院) Russell Korte (伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)
Sarah Bell (伦敦大学学院 ) Kroes (代尔夫特理工大学)
Larry Bucciarelli (麻省理工学院) Bill Lawson (德克萨斯理工大学)
陈凡(中国东北大学) Michael Loui (伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)
Philip Chmielewski (洛约拉马利蒙特大学 ) Hans Poser (代尔夫特理工大学)
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (奥胡斯大学) Viola Schiaffonati (米兰理工大学)
Michael Davis (伊利诺伊理工大学) Jon Schmidt (Burns & McDonnell工程设计公司)
Gary Downey (弗吉尼亚理工大学) John Sullins (索诺玛州立大学)
Dennis Gedge (咨询工程师) Herman Tavani (里维学院)
Steve Goldman (里海大学) Pieter Vermass (代尔夫特理工大学)
Joe Herkert (亚利桑那州立大学) 王前 (大连理工大学)
Deborah Johnson (弗吉尼亚大学) 赵建军(中央党校)
会议网址: http://www.fpet2012.org
摘要提交网址: https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/fpet/
国际工程研究网 (www.inesweb.org)
Beijing China
Nov 2-4, 2012(Friday-Sunday)
2012 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology
Background: The Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology (fPET) is an outgrowth of
the previous Workshops on
Philosophy and Engineering (WPE). The inaugural fPET, fPET-2010 was an intensive day and a half meeting in May 2010 at the
Colorado School of Mines. The mission of the Forum is (1) to encourage reflection on
engineering, engineers, and technology by
philosophers and engineers alike and (2) to build bridges between existing organizations
of philosophers and of engineers.
fPET-2012 will be held as a three-day meeting on November 2-4, 2012 (Friday-Sunday) and hosted by the Graduate University of
Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUCAS) in Beijing.
Abstracts (500-750 words) are invited for submission in one of four tracks:
Track One: Philosophy of engineering and technology Track Three: Reflections of practitioners
Track Two: Engineering ethics Track Four: Engineering studies/interdisciplinary topics on engineering
All submissions will be blind-reviewed by the program committee. Those accepted for presentation at fPET-2012 will be scheduled
for 30-minute talks (inclusive of Q&A). All abstracts accepted for fPET-2012 will be published online at the Forum website and in a
printed volume available at the meeting. We will seek publication of selected papers from fPET-2012 in appropriate related
Instructions: Abstracts may be submitted electronically at https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/fpet/.
Notification of acceptances will
be sent by 1 August 2012.
Forum Co-Chairs:
Bocong Li (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Byron Newberry (Baylor University)
Executive Committee
Diane Michelfelder (Macalester College)
Carl Mitcham (Colorado School of Mines)
Steering committee:
Richard Evans (Cornell)
Kenneth R. Foster (University of Pennsylvania)
David E. Goldberg (ThreeJoy Associates, Inc.)
Domenico Grasso (University of Vermont)
Rachelle Hollander (U.S. National Academy of Engineering)
Program committee:
Brock Barry (The United States Military Academy at West Point)
Sarah Bell (University College London)
Larry Bucciarelli (MIT)
Fan Chen (Northeastern University, China)
Philip Chmielewski (Loyola Marymount University)
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (Aar hus University)
Michael Davis (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Gary Downey (Virginia Tech)
Yong Fan (Kunming University of Science and Technology)
Dennis Gedge (Consulting Engineer)
Steve Goldman (Lehigh University)
Joe Herkert (Arizona State University)
Deborah Johnson (University of Virginia)
Billy V. Koen (University of Texas at Austin)
Mike Murphy (Dublin Institute of Technology)
Nan Wang (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Josephy Pitt (Virginia Tech)
Ibo van de Poel (Delft University of Technology)
Jon A. Schmidt (Burns & McDonnell)
Cherrice Traver (Union College)
Ruiyu Yin (Central Iron & Steel Research Institute)
Russell Korte (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Peter Kroes (TU Delft)
Bill Lawson (Texas Tech University)
Dongsong Li (Beijing University of Technology)
Michael Loui (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Hans Poser (TU Berlin)
Viola Schiaffonati (Politecnico di Milano)
Jon Schmidt (Burns & McDonnell)
John Sullins (Sonoma State University)
Herman Tavani (Rivier College)
Pieter Vermass (TU Delft)
Qian Wang (Dalian University of Technology)
Baohua Xia (Southeast University)
Jianjun Zhao (Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C)
Local Arrangement:
Xinhe Hu (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dazhou Wang (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Abstracts (500-750 words) due Saturday, June 30, 2012
Conference Website: www.fpet2012.org
Abstract Submissions: https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/fpet/
Call for Papers – Extended Deadline 30 June 2012 (Saturday)
In Cooperation with:
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division of the American Society for Engineering Education
International Network for Engineering Studies (www.inesweb.org)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing University of Technology (www.bjut.edu.cn)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dalian University of Technology (www.dlut.edu.cn)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kunming University of Science and Technology (www.kmust.edu.
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Southeast University (www.seu.edu.cn)
China Society for Hydropower Engineering (www.hydropower.org.cn )