Distinguished guests, ladies, gentlemen, friends:
Good morning! Today we are getting here in Beijing, the ancient capital city with a long history and culture, to attend the biennial world hydropower congress. Hereby, on behalf of China Society for Hydropower Engineering, I would like to express my congratulations on the opening of this congress and show my sincere welcome to domestic and foreign friends from far away.
人类利用水力发电一直伴随着对水资源的保护利用。The water resources are always protected throughout the utilization of hydropower energy by human bing. 从中国的都江堰引水灌溉到古罗马的城市供水系统,通过建筑堤坝有效的控制洪水和修渠引水利用水资源已经成为人类几千年文明史的重要组成部分。From the diversion irrigating project of Dujiangyan in China to the urban water-supply system in ancient Rome, the effective flood control by building dams and water resource utilization by constructing diversion channels have become the important component of the human being's civilization history of thousands of years. 工业革命时期的1878年法国建成了世界上第一座水电站,这在水能资源开发利用进程中具有划时代的意义。In 1878 of Industrial Revolution period in France, the first hydropower station in the world was built, which made a significance in the historical process of water resource development and utilization. 此后水电以其清洁、高效、可重复利用和低运行成本等众多优势,成为工业化的推动力,并伴随着现代文明的进步而蓬勃发展。Since then, with the advantages of clean, effective, reusable and low-cost characteristics, hydropower energy has become the engine for industrialization and will develop and flourish with the progress of modern civilization. 20世纪以来,建造高坝大库和大型水电工程成为了经济发展和社会进步的标识,成为了国际社会推进现代化进程和展现人类保护利用自然资源能力的体现。Since the twentieth century, the construction of high dam and large-sized hydropower projects has become the sign of economic development and social advancement, as well as the embodiment of capability for the international community to advance the modernization process and for human beings to protect and unitize natural resources.无庸置疑,水力发电已经成为当今人类社会文明的重要组成部分,是解决水资源丰枯不均矛盾的重要途径。Undoubtedly, hydropower energy has become the important component of present civilization of human society, which is also the key approach to solve the problem of unbalance of water resources.
近年来,随着世界范围内工业化进程的加快,以化石能源被大量消耗,二氧化碳等温室气体排放,全球气候变暖引发的一系列生态问题向世人敲响着警钟。In recent years, with the acceleration of worldwide industrialization process, the series of ecological problems of global warming caused by the large consumption of fossil energy, greenhouse gas emission such as carbon dioxide have set off an alarm to the human beings. 大力推广"低碳能源"、大力发展"低碳经济"、大力倡导"低碳生活",已成为国际社会的普遍共识和求索方向,其中水电作为目前技术最成熟、最具开发性和资源量丰富的可再生能源,得到了绝大多数国家的积极提倡和优先发展。It has become a consensus and research orientation in the international society to vigorously promote "low-carbon energy", develop "low-carbon economy", and advocate "low-carbon living", in which the hydropower energy has received active promotion and development priority as a renewable energy in most of the cuuntries owing to its mature technologies, developable features and rich reserves.
IHA多年来为提升水力发电的贡献和推进水电的可持续性发展活跃在世界水电行业的舞台上,以与水电行业发展进程紧密关联的技术、环保、社会及政策制定为工作重点,发起并组织编写的《水电可持续性指南》及《水电可持续性评估规范》,正在全球范围内推广、使用。IHA has been active on the stage of the world hydropower industry for lifting the contribution of hydropower energy and promoting the sustainable development of hydropower projects. Taking the technology, environmental protection, society and policy-making as the focus, which are associated with hydropower industry development, the "Hydropower Sustainability Guide" and the "Code for Assessment on Hydropower Sustainability" initiated and prepared by IHA are now promoted and used around the world. 由IHA主办的两年一度的世界水电大会,给从事水电事业、关心支持水电发展的人士提供了广阔的交流空间和科技成果展现的平台,促进了世界水电的可持续发展。The biannual World Hydropower Conference sponsored by IHA has provided a broad communication space and platform for the performance and presentation of scientific and technological results for people who are working for or concerning about hydropower development, and has facilitated the sustainable development of world hydropower projects.
中国作为一个负责任的发展中国家,始终积极采取措施共同遏制全球气候变化,大力调整能源结构,制定严格的节能减排目标,争取到2020年非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到15%左右,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%~45%。As a responsible developing cuuntry, China has actively taken measures to jointly curb the global climate change, positively adjust energy structure, and make strict energy saving and emission reduction target. We will endeavor to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 15 percent and cut the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40%-50% by 2020 from the 2005 level. 在"积极发展水电"方针的指导下,中国的水电发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,为能源结构调整发挥着重要作用。Under the policy of "vigorously developing hydraulic power", China's hydropower development has achieved outstanding results, and played an important role in energy structure adjustment.目前水电总装机容量已超过3亿千瓦,2014年水电年发电量突破10000亿千瓦时,相当于减排二氧化碳约10亿吨。At present, the total installed capacity of hydropower projects has exceeded 300,000 MW, the hydropower generation in 2014 broke through 1,000 billion kWh, which is equivalent to 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide reduction. 在政府主导下,中国水电改革管理体制、创新融资形式;Under the dominance of government, the management system reform, financing form innovation and market-oriented process promotion have been carried out in China's hydropower development. 调整移民政策,加大移民扶持,改善移民生产生活条件,促进移民与脱贫相结合;完善水电建设规划,严格建设程序,控制保护生态环境和生物多样性。In addition, the regulation of immigration and resettlement policy, the emphasis on supporting migrants, the improvement of migrants' production and living conditions, the combination of immigration and poverty-reduction as well as the improvement of hydropower project construction planning, the strictness of construction programs, protection of ecological environment and biodiversity have also been carried out. 在创新驱动发展战略的引领下,以长江三峡为标识的中国水电规划设计、施工建设、制造安装、运行管理等均达到了世界先进水平,中国水电的技术、人才、资金和管理优势促进了中国水电"走出去"步伐,其项目遍及世界百余个国家和地区,为推动世界水电事业发展作出了积极贡献。Under the leading of development strategy of driven by innovation, taking the Three Gorges project as the example, China's hydropower planning, design, construction, manufacturing and erection, as well as operation management have reached the advanced world levels. The advantages of hydropower technology, talents, funds and management have accelerated the pace of China's hydraulic power to "go out of the cuuntry". Our projects are spread in hundreds of cuuntries and areas, which has made positive contributions to the development of hydropower industry in the whole world.
当前,全球水电可持续发展已经开启新的篇章,新形势下的生态环保、移民发展、质量安全、灾险防控和水资源综合利用给我们提出了更高的要求。At present, the sustainable development of global hydraulic power has become to open its new chapter, so a higher requirement has been put forward to us in ecological environment protection, migrants development, quality and safety, disaster and risk prevention and control, as well as comprehensive utilization of water resources. 本次大会,汇聚了来自政府、企业、研究机构、民间团体、金融机构等的全球水电人士、行业领袖和专家,共将举行20多场全体大会和分会,供大家从多方面共商全球水电可持续发展大计。In this congress, hydropower colleagues, leaders and specialists from the government, enterprises, research institutes, civil society originations, and financing originations in China and all over the world are now getting together to attend more than 20 general meetings and sessions to discuss the ambitions and plans of sustainable development of global hydropower industry from various aspects. 中国水力发电工程学会作为中国水电行业的重要科技学术团体,将继续发挥好桥梁纽带和行业平台作用,不断加强与IHA等有关国际组织的合作,积极开展国内外学术交流、行业发展调查研究、科技成果推广、人才培养培训、水电科普教育等,大力促进水电科技创新,团结中国水电工作者,与国际水电同仁一起为实现"到2050年全球水电装机容量达到2050GW"的目标,为水电可持续发展而不懈奋斗!As an important scientific and technological academic community, China Society for Hydropower Engineering will always take the good role of bridge and links as well as the platform in strengthening the cooperation with IHA and relevant international originations, actively holding academic exchanges at home and aboard, carrying out investigation and research on hydropower industry, promoting the scientific and technological achievements, training the talents, and carrying out hydropower popularization education, etc. We will vigorously promote the scientific and technical innovation of hydropower industry, unite the hydropower sectors in China and work with the hydropower colleagues from all over the world to realize the target of "2050GW total installed capacity of global hydropower energy", and will always work hard for sustainable development of hydropower energy.
I wish the great success of the 2015 World Hydropower Congress!
Thank you very much!